Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Over the past weekend we finally experienced our first heavy frosts of the year delaying tee times to 10 - 10:30.  We would like to thank the early morning golfers in being patient as frost becomes a waiting game for the course to become available for play.  Cart and Foot traffic in a heavy frost can/will cause damage to the turf, which will not be able to recover until we have suitable growing weather in the spring. 
     The above photo of 1 green, as well as the rest of the putting surfaces at Forest Lake did not have frost this weekend.  The reason for this is a product "Civitas" that we included this year in our winter fungicide protection program. Civitas has created a coating on the turf plants eliminating dew from accumulating, and thus no moisture for frost to form.  Although not the goal for the product but an interesting side benefit that will last 3-5 days.