Friday, September 2, 2011


Tuesday September 6th we will start our core aerification at FLCC.  Core aerification is the process of removing a small core (or plug) of soil from the turf to allow space for air, water and nutrients to move in the soil.  Aerification holes on the greens will be removed and filled with sand, while the cores from tees and fairways will be busted up and used to top dress their respective areas.
      The golf course receives daily traffic and compaction from golfers feet, carts and maintenance equipment.  Compacted soils lead to poor root growth and as result can create weaker turf.  The short term disruption from aerification of the golf course yields long-term benefits to our playing surfaces.
      On Tuesday we will be aerifying and topdressing the greens, which will take a few days to fully complete.  Once finished we will move onto the tees, and fairways.  The first Tee will be notified daily of our progress with aerification, and which areas we will be working on that particular day.