Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Irrigation System Update

Irrigation System Update

November 9th, 2011

FLCC Golfing Members,                                                                                 

I hope you all have been enjoying this mild fall on the track at FLCC.  The weather has been decent for golf and good for golf course improvements like our irrigation system.
Directional Bore #5 Creek
I am happy to report that holes #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11, 13,15,18, and the putting green are completed.  That leaves #10, 12 14, 16 and 17 – Five more holes to go before the snow flies!

Most of the work is underground and to the right you can see the horizontal drilling we did under #5 to connect the greens irrigation complex.

Week of November 11thInstall the irrigation system on holes #10 and #12 and repair gate valves.
Week of November 14th – Install the irrigation on holes 14, 16, and finally #17.  Ryan’s crew will begin blowing out the completed systems for the winter.
Week of November 21st  - Complete wiring to satellite control and spray zones.  All underground work completed.

As we dug up our 50 year old system we were sure to find some surprises, both good and bad.  We found a few isolation valves that were broken and inoperable.  This would have been a hot issue if we ever needed to isolate part of the golf course and they didn’t work.  But these valves are being replaced this week.  The cost of these valves is minor but the ability to isolate the system is important.
Gate Valve at Tie-in #18
On the positive side FLCC’s new Greens Superintendent, Ryan Moore, and his team were able to utilize the old hydraulic system in new ways.  They connected the old hydraulic lines to individual sprinkler heads in the fairways.  This took some of our zone areas and made them individual control heads. Individual control is the key to manage turf water requirements and we made these improvements without any additional cost.

  This winter Ryan and his crew will be simulating the irrigation system and developing watering routines to utilize the control we have added to FLCC.  They will have the software, and our new GPS located irrigation plan uploaded on the new computer station so that they can become comfortable with the new controls as well as familiarize themselves with new irrigation software programs.
The members of FLCC have been very cooperative with our construction and the work force would like to thank you for your patience and understanding.

 Remember: Safety is all of our responsibility.  Please help protect the safety of the workers as they make the improvements to our gem of a golf course.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Members we thank you for your support.

Yours truly,

Frank Taube
Forest Lake C.C.

PS. I hope to see many of you at the Gourmet Dinner next Saturday the 18th.  I can’t wait to see what Chef Jim has in store for all of us and the wine committee is sure to please at this event!