Friday, June 7, 2013

Tree planting

Trees in our parking lot after delivery
Over the past 10 days the greens crew has planted 34 new trees on the golf course.  These trees were hand selected by the Greens committee at a local nursery.  The trees were picked for many different reasons;

- To provide the right sized tree for strategic locations determined during master planning
- To add tree diversity to FLCC.
- Unique colors and characteristics of leaves and flowers through the season.
Planting an Autumn Blaze Maple
- Hardiness and adaptability to environmental conditions and varying soils on the  property.

The new trees will take a few years to establish their roots into the native soils on the property.  We will typically see signs that trees have adapted well in year 2 or 3, as the trees will start showing a fuller canopy.  The trees we plant today will take many years to reach maturity and serve their desired function.

Below are some pictures of the trees and locations on the golf course

Eastern Redbud (CERCIS c. 'Forest Pansy)

- 3 Planted at #3 tee
Autumn Blaze Red Maple (ACER x 'Autumn Blaze')

- 2 Planted left side of #1 fairway
- 2 Planted left side hole #9
Pink Flowering Crab apple (MALUS 'Prairifire')

- 2 Planted right side of #1 green
Kentucky Coffee Tree (GYMNOCLADUS dioicus)

- 2 Planted in behind #3 green
Northern Red Oak (QUERCUS rubra)

- 1 Planted between #3 green and #5 fairway
- 1 Planted left side #9 green
Northern Pin Oak (QUERCUS ellipsoidalis)

- 2 Planted right of #5 fairway bunkers
- 3 Planted between holes#16 and #18
Vanderwolf Limber Pine (PINUS  'Vanderwolf')

- 3 Planted between #7 green and hole #13
Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree (GINKO 'Autumn Gold')

- 3 Planted between holes #11 and #12
- 1 Planted left side #5 Tee
Multi-stem Autumn Blaze Red Maple (ACER x 'Autumn Blaze' MS)

- 1 Planted beside #13 Ladie's Tee
Tricolor Beech  (FAGUS s. 'Roseo-marginata')

- 1 Planted at #15 Tee

Crimson King Norway Maple (ACER pl. "Crimson King')

- 1 Planted in behind #15 Green
Gold Rush Dawn Redwood (METASEQUOIA 'Gold Rush')

- 3 Planted left side #17

Norway Spruce (PICEA abies)

- 3 Planted left side #17